Monday, June 15, 2009

Cabin Time

Last Weekend me and Steve headed up to the cabin on Wednesday
afternoon. We made a quick stop at the Ace in Heber and a miracle happened with us seeing an ad for a ranger aide at Deer Creek. Anyone who has a teenager looking for a job knows that it is almost impossible to find employment out here. Taylor has been applying everywhere and had no success. We immediately called him and he called up the guy and got the job. You can't tell me our Heavenly Father doesn't answer prayers.

So after seeing the guy at Deer Creek Taylor drove up to the cabin. It was the first chance this year he has had to go up. We took a drive up Rhodes Canyon in the ranger, which Taylor likens to being on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. I will agree with him driving it feels like it. There is this big rock slide and we wanted to know what was at the top of the rock slide. We were hoping to find a cool pond or the lost Rhodes gold mine. After climbing all the way up we were sad to discover more rocks.

That night we sat out by the campfire and Taylor had fun with the camera. It was a full moon and looked awesome coming over the mountain.

Taylor also likes to take pictures of his feet and tonight was no exception. The next morning he had to leave to do some stuff around home. It was fun having him up there.
Steve has been busy using up all the left over logs from building the cabin. He's making some cool benches for the deck.

I spend most of my time moving rocks and hauling dirt. You would think with all the rocks I have thrown my biceps would be huge.
Steve built a step over for the fence out of logs. He had to make a gate for the top of it to keep the goats out. I don't know how he thinks of these things but he does a wonderful job making stuff.
I also took some flat rocks and made steps to the top. It's not as grand as the ones on the other side, but it does it's job. It's wonderful to be up there and outside working. We always hate coming home even though we are exhausted.

We found another trail this year. I can't believe how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful country. We just keep finding new places to see and explore.


kcallred said...

Wow, I am always amazed with what you guys do up there, the gate is so funny! Dad will not be outdone by the goats!! And your biceps are huge, you know that.

Karen said...

I can see why you love to go there. It's so beautiful. That sounds like a fun job for Taylor - maybe he'll decide to major in Parks & Recreation. Love the steps going over the fence. We work hard at our cabin too, but it's pretty rewarding. It's good to balance it with fun too!

Leisa said...

Sounds like work and fun!

Don't you just love summer?