Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lake Powell

We haven't been to Lake Powell for a few years and it's a place we would love to go every year if we could. Now that the kids are older and have jobs and school it is really hard to find a time to go. Taryn told Steve that she could go in August so he booked the hotel and told her the date and she said she could go every weekend but that one. Luckily Greg and Lauren were able to go with us.
A few years back we decided to try staying in a hotel instead of camping on the beach. I loved that option and we have been doing it ever since. It is so refreshing to come back and shower and sleep in an air conditioned room. And the biggest perk is I don't have to cook dinner. All I have to pack is food for lunch and a few clothes. It's great! We got there late Wednesday night and hit the lake early Thursday morning. Thursday was a perfect Lake Powell day. The sun was out, the water was smooth and with school starting that week the lake was not busy at all. We hit Navajo Canyon and did some skiing and then drove to Rainbow Bridge.

We found this little cove off Rainbow Bridge were it was nice and shady and had lunch and cooled off.
Before his mission Greg mostly wake-boarded but since his return the ski is his favorite.

This was Greg and Lauren's favorite spot on the boat. They did spend a fair amount of time sleeping here.

We had to have one picture with all of us. This is as creative as we get.
We found a canyon marked Labryinth Canyon and decided to explore it. It was narrow and twisty. We saw a boat ahead of us and would have turned around sooner, but knowing they made it we plunged ahead.
It was a cool canyon. I'm glad Steve drives them, it would make me to nervous.
We were only able to stay for three days. We decided to play around Lone Rock on Saturday and realized that nobody had used the wake-boards. Greg wanted to double on them and talked Lauren into going with him.

When they were done he asked me if I wanted to go. I haven't been on a wake-board for years. I really can't take the pain when you crash on one so I've stayed off it. Of course I had to take the challenge and got up. I feel really un-coordinated once I get up and can hardly get out of the wake. Luckily I got out but never attempted to get back in. I did surf the wake abit but that is all I can do on a wake-board.

Can you believe how talented I am and the muscle control I have to be able to do this in the middle of the Lake. I can't either and the rock that was out there helped.
We played around on this rock and it took us a few minutes to figure out what the big long scrapes on the rock were. Quite a few props have been destroyed when the lake is deeper. It's right in the middle of a huge canyon. It was a fun and relaxing few days. Can't wait to go next year.


Lace said...

Jealous! It looks like so much fun. I am glad you got to spend a few days with Greg and Lauren at Powell. What a good place to get to know her better.

The Rusty Well said...

Oh that make's me so excited to go to powell this weekend! It is the best isnt it to be able to go there even if it was only 3 days its so worth the trip.

Karen said...

Looks like a fun trip. We love the hotel/shower/eating out/air conditioned way of doing Powell too!